Hallo, Welt da draussen.
Ich weiß, dass niemand diesen blog mehr liest. Das ist auch ganz gut so. Ich bin keine Social-Media-Hure, die sich über die Zahl ihrer "follower" und "likes" definiert.
Ich habe meine eigenen Definitionen.
Darum schreibe ich auch wieder.
Diesmal auf Deutsch. Deutsch ist meine Muttersprache, denn ja,ich wohne ja schließlich in Deutschland.
Englisch ist meine Leidenschaft, meine 2.Muttersprache. Nicht weil ichs cool finde, weil es hipp ist, englisch zu sprechen oder weil es die "blogger-sprache" ist.
Nein, verdammt. Ich habe wirklich Freunde,Familie und Bekannte in einem englischen Land, habe ein 2. KANADISCHES Leben ( gehabt?!).
Aber egal. Deutsch ist eine harte Sprache, nicht so blumig wie Englisch. Verheimlicht nichts und spiegelt mich wieder. Darum werde ich so schreiben, wie mir der Schnabel gewachsen ist.
Und das kann schonmal rau werden.haha. Ich komme aus dem Ruhrgebiet. Dem Pott.
Da wo man nie weiß, in welcher Stadt man ist, weil die Grenzen verschwimmen.
Wo es alles gibt und doch nichts. Wos immer laut ist und man trotzdem allein. Ich liebe den Pott.
Ist vielleicht hässlich hier, aber ist doch mein zu Hause.
Living with Anorexia and cats
Monday, September 30, 2013
Saturday, May 11, 2013
Hello everyone!
Ive been absent for long, but I am one busy-bee.
I am finally done with my last written exam, my final one, which will determine if I pass my training an be an F&B manageress. Not only working as one, but having a certificate and a title ;)
So please,please wish me luck, because I am getting my results in June an to wait until then is already killing me.
Other than that, I realised that I only have 4 weeks left of working at the place, Ive spent the last 2,5 years at. With all the ppl that Ive seen more often than my family and friends over the years.
Those people have become my family, my friends, my peers, they are just so much more than just co-workers. And I am sad about that. To leave them behind and start a new chapter.
I feel, like I am not ready to get released and start at a new place, but I will do good, because I HAVE TO.
Another thing that happened is, that my granpa is dying. My family consists of my MUM, my GRANPA, two Cats, my Dog and me.
And now my granpa, who is the only men that ever believed in me, supported me and encouraged me to do great, to give ma very best and to NEVER give up, is leaving us.
I hope its not gonna be a long an painful journey for him, because I love him and I want him to leave us quick and without pain, because he doesnt deserve anything else.
Ill keep him in my prayers.
Thank u for reading my boring post, which doesnt really have any positivity in it, but thats life.
There are UPs and DOWNs.
And we all get thru it, no matter how.
Saturday, May 4, 2013
I DONT....
....understand MEN!
Is all they ever want from me to
pull my skirt up
spread my legs?!
why does EVERYONE else find someone who loves and appreciates them. and i am always just the one for one thing.
i dont understand.
truly dont.
Is all they ever want from me to
pull my skirt up
spread my legs?!
why does EVERYONE else find someone who loves and appreciates them. and i am always just the one for one thing.
i dont understand.
truly dont.
Wednesday, April 3, 2013
...3....is my lucky number
Hi girls!
Today,my birthday is exactly one month ago and it feels like yesterday.
Time goes by so fast this year, its CRAZY!
Staying at this topic, its only 13 weeks left of my apprenticeship! 13 weeks!
That leaves me with 91 days, minus my days off and the holidays, Ive still ahead of me. So if we do some math here, that means 52 days of working left. Which is only 1.73 month.
Isnt that crazy?
For me its unbelivable and unbelivably scary.
To be finished then, to say goodbye to my coworkers and leave my workplace.
everything, I am used to.
Say goodbye to my routine and my habits and start a new chapter.
I am so scared to start a new job and even more scared, if I will even get one!
It sounds so unbelivable that I am a full manageress then, working fully paid and being in charge of so many people everyday.
People, I donno yet.
lets talk about some fun stuff here!
I hope everyone had nice easter days, (I did too, by the way. working was fun, cause I had to pleasure to only have excellent ppl at my shifts, ven though the guests where shitty...WTF why is EVERYONE always so negative and moody on holidays?! i mean,come on guys, you have like 5 days off, we are the ones that should complain, working, But instead we smile and laugh and make little jokes and u are just grumpy?!?!?!)
Ive bookes a flight and an ALL-IN package for me and my mum for 10 days, starting the day right after my last exam. And I am soooo excited. We are going to turkey again, like the last holiday we had, before my apprenticeship started.
And its going to be hot and sunny, I can tan and lay on the beach and explore ancient histortical sights in numerous walks.
The hotel is right on the beach, but still small and calm, so no drinking teenagers!YAY!
And on the other side, there is a huge park with numerous flowers and trees full of bananas and olives and oranges and lemons :)
And tons of strey cats again,obviously!
I am soo excited and happy, finally to get outta here again for some time and to enjoy the breeze of the ocean, a refreshing dip in the pool, turkish zigarettes at the beach and get tanned and finally start to become sporty again, starting with animations there :)
3 is my lucky number.
Thats easy. I was born March,3rd ...03.03
Time goes by so fast this year, its CRAZY!
Staying at this topic, its only 13 weeks left of my apprenticeship! 13 weeks!
That leaves me with 91 days, minus my days off and the holidays, Ive still ahead of me. So if we do some math here, that means 52 days of working left. Which is only 1.73 month.
Isnt that crazy?
For me its unbelivable and unbelivably scary.
To be finished then, to say goodbye to my coworkers and leave my workplace.
everything, I am used to.
Say goodbye to my routine and my habits and start a new chapter.
I am so scared to start a new job and even more scared, if I will even get one!
It sounds so unbelivable that I am a full manageress then, working fully paid and being in charge of so many people everyday.
People, I donno yet.
Damn, I am scared.
And even more of the exams to come. I am really really self-concious concerning this and so super scared to fail. O.M.G! Whatevs,
lets talk about some fun stuff here!
I hope everyone had nice easter days, (I did too, by the way. working was fun, cause I had to pleasure to only have excellent ppl at my shifts, ven though the guests where shitty...WTF why is EVERYONE always so negative and moody on holidays?! i mean,come on guys, you have like 5 days off, we are the ones that should complain, working, But instead we smile and laugh and make little jokes and u are just grumpy?!?!?!)
Being finished with my apprenticeship soon will mean, I will finally travel again!
And its going to be hot and sunny, I can tan and lay on the beach and explore ancient histortical sights in numerous walks.
The hotel is right on the beach, but still small and calm, so no drinking teenagers!YAY!
And on the other side, there is a huge park with numerous flowers and trees full of bananas and olives and oranges and lemons :)
And tons of strey cats again,obviously!
I am soo excited and happy, finally to get outta here again for some time and to enjoy the breeze of the ocean, a refreshing dip in the pool, turkish zigarettes at the beach and get tanned and finally start to become sporty again, starting with animations there :)
So happy!
Thursday, March 28, 2013
Oh well....[EASTER 2013]
Oh well...
hello everyone, I am REALLY sorry, I dint post for such a long time.
For once, I had people reading my blog, finally being able to not only write down what I feel and think, but actually receive FEEDBACK and helpful advice on my matters.
Anyways, I have SO MUCH going on in my life right now, that I really didnt have time to blog lately.
Just think:
So lets talk about something better, I AM CATHOLIC; since you all know,
Tomorrow is Good Friday, which means its one of the most important holidays in the year,
-surprise,surprise- I obviously have to work.
Like the whole easter-weekend. From this tuesday to next tuesday, but whatevs, Ill still have a good time and go to church after the holidays. Thats ok.
Since I am grown up we dont have Easter traditions (other than church) anymore, cause its just my mum and me. My brother lives in Hungary and my dad is...welll...not really willing to spend time with us.
Other than that, I always have to work on holidays anyways.
[ok, this year is different, we have had snow this morning :D]
Eierlikör (english: advocaat)
I donno, if you all know it, but its a high-calorie liquor made from eggs. I ABSOLUTELY LOVE it, but its rare.
I mean; you can theorethically get it all year round, but its cheap around easter time and there is tons of candys and chocolates,cakes,ice-creams and cookies filled with it.
U usually cant get them any other time of the year, so I always taste them all and decide on a favoite.
This year its these eggs from ALDI (for all readers that live in Germany) and its only 0,99EUR for a bag!
Okay, I gotta go to work...
hello everyone, I am REALLY sorry, I dint post for such a long time.
For once, I had people reading my blog, finally being able to not only write down what I feel and think, but actually receive FEEDBACK and helpful advice on my matters.
And I screwed up, but still, thanks for linking me, my beautiful Kat!
Anyways, I have SO MUCH going on in my life right now, that I really didnt have time to blog lately.
Just think:
- EXAMs,exams,exams.... (passed all of them so far :) )
- Writing applications (hopefully been succesfull)
- Only 3 Month left with training (scary!)
- being sick (again -.-)
- and occupied with ED.... (no comment necessary)
...and alot more.
Whatever, I thought it was time to blog again anyways,
because I am really grateful for all your helpful and really honest comments on my last post!
Even though I kinda think that some of you didnt really understand, what I was trying to express.
(in that case I wanna destroy the thought of me spreding thinspo! Its not thinspo, its actually just pictures of me! I wanted to make the post more appealing and less wordy,thats ALL! Thanks.)
and its Easter time again :)
-surprise,surprise- I obviously have to work.
Like the whole easter-weekend. From this tuesday to next tuesday, but whatevs, Ill still have a good time and go to church after the holidays. Thats ok.
Since I am grown up we dont have Easter traditions (other than church) anymore, cause its just my mum and me. My brother lives in Hungary and my dad is...welll...not really willing to spend time with us.
Other than that, I always have to work on holidays anyways.
BUT I really love some things about easter time and Im gonna share them with you:
(usually) spring is all around (pic above) I can spend time with my plants, gardening, which I absolutely LOVE and spend lots of time outside, going for walks with the dog or just by myself. It smells soooo good! [ok, this year is different, we have had snow this morning :D]

I donno, if you all know it, but its a high-calorie liquor made from eggs. I ABSOLUTELY LOVE it, but its rare.
I mean; you can theorethically get it all year round, but its cheap around easter time and there is tons of candys and chocolates,cakes,ice-creams and cookies filled with it.
U usually cant get them any other time of the year, so I always taste them all and decide on a favoite.
This year its these eggs from ALDI (for all readers that live in Germany) and its only 0,99EUR for a bag!
Okay, eggs are there all year round, but for easter time its special. At least for me.
So here we go, colored and boiled eggs are a must-have for easter time!
Okay, I gotta go to work...
So what do you like best about easter?
Do you celebrate?
Do you have to work?
Tuesday, March 5, 2013
Back on track?!?!
Hi everyone!
Just a reminder, I am still alive ;)
Well, it wasnt really looking like I would be today, to be honest.
I have been going through a really hard time, since hearing, that I wont keep my job
and might possibly be jobless in 4 month.
BUT it all seems to get better now: I have some seriously GOOD news and happenings coming up.
But [pssssst!] I cant tell ya yet, cause it might be bad luck ;)
So just please wish me luck for the next weeks and keep ur fingers crossed, that Ill pass my exams.
My way is going into the light ;) |
It was my birthday on sunday and I had a fabulous time in the Netherlands shopping with my mum.
I also got lots of great presents, which the best was definitely a package from my old hostfamily from Canada! - LOTS OF LOVE!
birthday tradition: SCRATCH "N" WIN!! |
Otherwise, I got a great new blazer, whcih is white and kinda "buisness-chanel-style" and it totally fits my occupation as a manageres. :)
me on my birthday last year - PARIS,France |
Its a weird thing that happens to me right now, that has never ever happened before and I feel really bad.
Well, I am suffering from anorexia since 12 years by now and I usually starve myself to (near) death, or well until feeding tube,hospitalisation or impatient is the only option left for me.
I used to purge,too but I never had huge feeding attacks like bulimics do.
(Just that eating half of a normal portion, feels like a feest to me)
Ive also come to experience alot of chewing-and-spitting:
Anyways, lately I feel super-hungry and starved ALL.AT.THE.TIME.
I feel like that little-fatty-goat inf ront, but I am the girl, feeing them! |
but then, sometimes, it just overcomes me.
and I eat X00 or X00 calories more than regularly.
I know this isnt alot,
but for me its sooo much and then I feel bad, really bad,
but Ive promised my mum and god;
to never puke again on purpose, so I cant do it.
That leaves me angry and feeling like a pig that stuffs itself all the time.
Its almost like I can feel the fat grow on my thighs.
I KNOW that this is bullshit, technically.
But it freaks me out. Especially because it makes me panic and gives me really intense shivers, nightmares, cry-attacks and I am almost like in a kind of trance for hours!
Then, when I have come down (usually the next morning) I see what I have done. My thighs and belly are green,yellow and blue and it looks like I am getting abused by a Wrestler. Thats how intense the bruses are.
Do I have to consider myself a binge-eater now?
Its such a vicious cylce and it only goes on since a weeek, but it feels like forever already.
I just wanna get out of it.
I dont wanna binge. I wanna be normal.
Any tips on how to overcome binge-eating-phases?
Sunday, February 17, 2013
Ende. [german noun: The end]
yes,u got it right.
I feel like life is over.
I got fired. Not directly, but my company told me that they will not keep me as a manageress after my apprenticeship is done in 4 month.
So in 4 month, I wont have
- a job
- money
- my apartment
- anything to do.
Because, well I basicly sacrified my whole (social)-LIFE for trying to be the best manageress, I could.
I am working lots of nightshifts, but also dayshifts and every weekend and holiday, so that makes it kinda impossible to meet friends, go out, have a working relationship or a hobby.
I only work, study and sleep.
With my apprenticeship ending, I knew there would be a little hole, I would fall into, because studing wouldnt be necessary anymore. So I would have needed a Hobby.
But oh well, thats easy.
But now, that I know, that they wont keep me, I wont have anything anymore. My days will be completely empty, instead of packed with things-to-do to the max.
Look for a new job, youll say.
Okay, I did.
I already sent applications to some places.
But honestly?
I am so down and done, I feel like I am not able to build up something new again.
To try my hardest to show a new boss, that I am a hard-worker and capable of all the things they want me to do. To meet new co-workers, build up respect again, find out about all the little importances that a new company has in store, for everything.
I dont even feel capable of writing an application.
Because how will u let someone know, youre the only one for the job, the perfect new employee,
when you hate yourself and have no confidence?!
kinda difficult,hmm?
Well, my mum wants me to go into treatment again.
I dont.
I dont even know where to go.
Ive tried so much in the last years, that didnt help with my ED, I dont think there is a place where they can cure me.
what else is there?
Everywhere they just wanted me to gain weight and then start talking, but honestly I can only gain, when I started talking an coping.Doesnt that make more sense?!
And I dont even know how much they would want me to gain...I dont even know my weight.
Really, I havent been on a scale for over A YEAR now, since last time, I went to a hospital.
And I wanna keep that up.
But with going into treatment again, that wouldnt be possible.
I feel like life is over.
I got fired. Not directly, but my company told me that they will not keep me as a manageress after my apprenticeship is done in 4 month.
So in 4 month, I wont have
- a job
- money
- my apartment
- anything to do.
Because, well I basicly sacrified my whole (social)-LIFE for trying to be the best manageress, I could.
I am working lots of nightshifts, but also dayshifts and every weekend and holiday, so that makes it kinda impossible to meet friends, go out, have a working relationship or a hobby.
I only work, study and sleep.
With my apprenticeship ending, I knew there would be a little hole, I would fall into, because studing wouldnt be necessary anymore. So I would have needed a Hobby.
But oh well, thats easy.
But now, that I know, that they wont keep me, I wont have anything anymore. My days will be completely empty, instead of packed with things-to-do to the max.
Look for a new job, youll say.
Okay, I did.
I already sent applications to some places.
But honestly?
I am so down and done, I feel like I am not able to build up something new again.
To try my hardest to show a new boss, that I am a hard-worker and capable of all the things they want me to do. To meet new co-workers, build up respect again, find out about all the little importances that a new company has in store, for everything.
I dont even feel capable of writing an application.
Because how will u let someone know, youre the only one for the job, the perfect new employee,
when you hate yourself and have no confidence?!
kinda difficult,hmm?
Well, my mum wants me to go into treatment again.
I dont.
I dont even know where to go.
Ive tried so much in the last years, that didnt help with my ED, I dont think there is a place where they can cure me.
what else is there?
Everywhere they just wanted me to gain weight and then start talking, but honestly I can only gain, when I started talking an coping.Doesnt that make more sense?!
And I dont even know how much they would want me to gain...I dont even know my weight.
Really, I havent been on a scale for over A YEAR now, since last time, I went to a hospital.
And I wanna keep that up.
But with going into treatment again, that wouldnt be possible.
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