Hi everyone, this is my first WIAW-post ever.
And itll probably be the last one, because itll get boring after a while for you.
And for me.
Youll ask why, because usually (at least for me) these posts are mostly the most interesting and best posts of the week on some blogs:
theyre filled with colourful pictures of beautifully prepared food and encourage me to try new food and combos.
If I have the time to try...
I normally dont.
Okay since I am working for a large fast-food chain as a manageress, I spent every day there.
e.v.e.r.y d.a.y
I usually eat one meal at home before (breakfast) or after (if I dont work early A.M-shift) but the rest of the day I have to eat there. If I eat. Because if it is really busy my day will start around 11 or 12 there and definitely not end before midnight.
And I have this weird thing that I cant eat any later than 9pm. I just cant. Sometimes Ill eat a few chicken nuggets that are left over at 3am when we close the store, but only if Im really really hungry.
Okay anyways, I dont have a regular break on my shifts, so sometimes I take 5 minutes in case its a little less busy in the store to smoke or sip on some coffee.
If I wanna eat, I usually grap something when I have to do paper-/computer-work in the office.
So that means I dont have a regular eating-rhythm at all.
And you know how much of a problem that is for ppl suffering an ed.
And another problem is that I basicly eat the same stuff everyday. Its all food from my work, because I cant prep something at home and take it with me, I have no place to store it.
Okay, so lemme introduce you to a regular day of mine.
to WhatIAteAtWork - Mary edition.
Breakfast: Cappuccino
(and in-between snack at least 3xday)
which is usually split in a thousand small eats over my shift
Milkshake (I hate strawberry)
Leftovers from breakfast
(eaten at 8pm)
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Coffee: all day long
Well so these are usually my options at work, there are some more, but I inly wanted to show my staples. Its not a healthy or balanced diet and I know I am not even close to eating enough, but I didnt wanna make anything seem nice I just wanted to show how it really is.